Parasite Cleanse Tea / Tincture
Parasite Cleanse Tea / Tincture
Parasite Cleanse Tea / Tincture
Parasite Cleanse Tea / Tincture
Parasite Cleanse Tea / Tincture
Parasite Cleanse Tea / Tincture
Parasite Cleanse Tea / Tincture
Parasite Cleanse Tea / Tincture
Parasite Cleanse Tea / Tincture
Parasite Cleanse Tea / Tincture
Parasite Cleanse Tea / Tincture

Parasite Cleanse Tea / Tincture

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Organic Ingredients: Wormwood, Clove, Fennel, Oregano, Black Garlic, Ginger Root, Peppermint.
5 oz 

Gluten Free Paraben Free Preservative Free Natural Organic *Vegan Handcrafted Small Batches

Liquid Parasite Cleanse : Grapeseed Fruit Extract, Black Walnut, Oregano Oil 80 % Carvacrol, Dandelion, Mullein Garlic, Turmeric, MCT Oil. 1 oz 

Take 1-2 drops in water daily. Best results on empty stomach with parasite cleanse tea. 

Shake bottle vigorously or run under warm water. Contents tend to settle or solidify. 

Directions: Adding lemon juice is recommended. Best to drink before meals or after last meal of the day. Steep tea in 8 oz of hot water for 10 min.
Do not add sugar or milk, lemon juice can be added for flavor. Drink twice a day for min of 7-10 days. Best results occur in the absence of alcohol, processed sugar, red meat and pork. 

Benefits: Weight Loss, Bloating Control, Clear Skin, Mental Clarity, Clearing of rashes, Acne control, Craving control, Energy increase, Better sleep, Immunity Boost, Fungus Infections remedied, Candida control, Body odor control. 

Detoxes Parasites and Eggs
Detoxes Liver Fluke Parasites
Detoxes Candida
Supports Immune Function
Improves Intestinal and Gut Health
Improves Energy and Brain Function

In humans, parasites that live inside us use up our vitamins, proteins and other nutrients, depriving us of optimal nutrition. Not only do they steal nutrients from our body, they also eliminate waste inside us, releasing their toxic bacteria and viruses.

Parasites can live within the intestines for years without causing any symptoms,” making it hard to know whether we have them or not. A lot of the symptoms of intestinal parasites are also similar to many other disorders such as candida overgrowth, infection, etc., however, with the abundance of parasites and the ease of which they can enter our bodies, some, if not most, common health issues may be the result of parasitic infection. If you have any of these symptoms, it is possible that parasites could be the cause:

Assist Symptoms: 

  • constipation
  • diarrhea
  • gas and bloating
  • irritable bowel syndrome
  • painful menstruation
  • anemia
  • joint and muscle aches
  • cravings, especially sugar
  • skin conditions – mostly irritation/itching at nose, ears, eyes, anus – but also potentially rashes, hives, eczema
  • tumors
  • nervousness
  • sleep disorders
  • hyperactivity, anxiety
  • teeth grinding
  • chronic fatigue
  • fuzzy thinking
  • headaches
  • runny nose
  • allergies
  • blisters on lower lip inside mouth
  • loss of appetite
  • bad taste in the mouth
  • acne
  • fever
  • vomiting (may return several times a year)
  • weight gain OR may have trouble gaining weight
  • food allergies
  • dark areas under eyes

* Listed are general benefits of these herbs. This is not to diagnose or replace medical treatment. Always be informed if you are pregnant, have allergies to these herbs or taking any medication that should not interact with these herbs. Ask your medical physician if these herbs are suitable for you.